As Speech Therapists, we ALL use standardized tests and we *might also use informal assessments and measures!
Here are some reasons why I PREFER informal assessments to standardized tests (I know there is a time and place for formal assessments, but they are only a teeennny part of my assessments!).
Informal assessments:
Allow for more flexibility (provide breaks, give cues, rephrase/repeat instructions - helps you figure out what the child needs to be successful)
Give you opportunities to use cues and prompts to see what helps the child (we need to know more than what a child struggles to do - we need to know what HELPS them!)
Provide a more natural environment (in my experience, kids open up much more during a familiar task)
Give you more than one opportunity for a child to demonstrate a skill! (This lets you get baseline data and know if that was a lucky guess or a just a mistake)
Focus on your clinical judgement (You get to think beyond the test!)
Are more FUN and engaging! (Keeping your students engaged and focused the entire time!)
Allow you to go at your own pace. Give parts over time if needed!
Can be used before and after intervention to monitor progress
If you are looking for some informal assessments, make sure to check this out!
Anna Dee SLP x Speech Tree Co. Speech and Language Screener: We created a hands-on speech and language screener for preschoolers! It includes mini objects, a storage bag, a foldable house board, LOADS of printable activities, developmental milestone handouts, 2 speech sound screeners, and 2 language screeners! It is an all in one speech and language screener that you can just grab and go!
It covers:
WH Questions
Speech sounds in all positions
Grammatical Markers (ing, in/on, the/a, regular and irregular plurals, regular and irregular past tense, contractile copula, third person irregular future tense)
Following Directions
Phonological Awareness
Language Processing (Attributes, Convergent Naming, Divergent Naming, Associations, Stating Function)
Basic Concepts