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How to use Don't Break the Ice in Speech Therapy

This winter themed game for speech therapy is often used for drill Articulation practice and language goals in the way that it was intended; however, it can be used in so many other ways!

Here are some quick activities for preschool using the pieces of the Don't Break the Ice that you can use in your preschool and school aged speech therapy sessions tomorrow!

1) Create letters for cues. Use the ice blocks to create visual cues for students. You can use these letter as articulation cues or in phonological awareness activities.

2) Have a snowball fight! Grab some cotton balls and your student's favorite toy characters and create walls to hit! The person who hits the wall the most - wins! You can target possessive 's (whose turn is it?), concepts more and less (which wall was hit more), requesting (asking for more cotton balls), and complex clusters (throw the cotton balls).

3) Play Memory! Hide some mini erasers, pom poms, or stones under the blocks. Take turns trying to find a pair. Target concepts same/different, more/less, yes/no questions, and describing.

4) Minute to Win it - Build Towers: See how high of a tower you can build with the ice blocks. Target concepts such as tall, short, wide, long, as well as superlatives (taller, shorter, etc.).

5) Create a winter scene. Create towers of different heights. Grab some mini objects or figurines and create different scenes and play scenarios (like hide and seek). This is a great activity for targeting following directions and spatial concepts.

6) Barrier Task: Place a barrier between you and your student. Take turns telling each other what to build. You can build towers, homes, bridges - the possibilities are endless. See if you can make identical creations. This is perfect for following directions, spatial concepts, and sequencing.

Love these ideas but still want to do some drill?

Check out these Game and Toy Companions that include sheets for over 100 games and toys and 60 Goals, including Don't Break the Ice! Mix and match articulation, phonology, expressive language, and receptive language goals and games for thousands of options. These are perfect for mixed groups, homework, individual sessions and push-in speech therapy!

There are over 60 speech and language goals for speech therapy included 9 (as well as ++ common preschool themes). Simply cut the strips and pair with ANY of these games. You’re able to make any game an articulation or language game!

So if you own 2 or 20 of these games - you can start using this product right away to use in group speech therapy, early intervention, or send as a home speech therapy activity!

I hope these ideas help you plan some fun and easy speech therapy sessions this winter!

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