As a Pediatric Speech Therapist, these toys are at the top of my Speech Therapy Wish List this Christmas Season! (Yes, I ask for toys for Christmas!)
Have you ever caught yourself thinking, “what should I buy the 2 year old on my Christmas List” or “what toys can I use with the 3 year olds on my caseload”. Well, I have included a mega list of toys that can be used in speech therapy with preschoolers (and even early elementary students ) or played with at home all year long!
Even if you don’t snag any of these toys, remember that toys that help with speech and language:
Have no batteries
Allow the child does the work - not the toy
Are Open Ended (Meaning it can be used many ways)

I have separated my favorite toys for kids into seven categories. These 7 Toy Categories are discussed in great detail in the Play Based Speech Therapy Course - we teach you exactly HOW to use them in therapy!
The Categories are: Building Toys, Puzzles, Critter Clinic, Figurines, Play Scenes, Surprise Toys, Toy Food. These Speech Therapy Toys are staples in my therapy room because they are easy to find (most toys can be found at Target, Walmart, or on Amazon), affordable, and they are toys that kids love them! You can do a quick Google search and find these toys in your area!
Top Building Toys for Speech Therapy:
Building toys are any toys that encourage a child to create something! They can be actual toys or things that you find around the house! Things like popsicle sticks, toothpicks, sticks and rocks can all be building toys!
Magformers: Perfect for creating homes for animals, garages for cars, buildings and towers!
Bristle Blocks: One of my favorite speech therapy toys for Early Intervention because they are sturdy, encourage pretend play, and easy to build with.
Lego: Lego is such a popular toy for kids of all ages. You can use Duplo with younger students and use Lego with your older students. I prefer to use a mix of random Lego pieces, rather than a “kit” so students can really let their imaginations go wild!
Plus Plus Blocks: These are great for older students because they are a little trickier to build.
Gears: Gears are a fun building toy that teaches cause and effect!
Top Play Scenes for Speech Therapy:
Play Scenes are a perfect Pretend Play Toy! They can be used in so many ways to target a huge variety of speech and language goals.

Farm: A toy farm is a key for any speech therapy session! Don’t limit your self to using this toy only for preschoolers - even early elementary students love a farm play set!
Doll House/Furniture: You can mix and match Play scenes with a variety of figurines. Doll houses are wonderful for story retell (if the setting of the story is in a house).
Sticker Pads: Stickers pads are so compact and easy to transport. They’re also super affordable, come in a variety of themes, and can be used over and over again!
Top Surprise Toys for Speech Therapy:
Kids love the element of surprise and using surprise in speech therapy is a motivating activity for children of all ages! In the past few years, surprise toys have really come a long way. It’s not just Easter eggs anymore!

Learning Resources Sort & Seek Polar Animals: Perfect toy for a winter or Polar Animals theme! Each animal comes with a coloured Igloo!
Babysaurs Sorting Set: A perfect addition to a dinosaur speech therapy theme.
Learning Resources: Rock N’Gem Suprise: Kids love using the hammer to see what is hiding inside. These can be thrown in a speech therapy sensory bin!
Learning Resources Peek-a-Bird Learning Buddies: Such a cute addition to any pet themed speech therapy resource or spring themed session.
Favorite Pretend Play Food Sets for Speech Therapy:
Kids love cooking, baking and feeding! These toys are perfect for pretend play at home or in therapy sessions.

Melissa and Doug Cupcake Set: Kids love making cupcakes and then drawing decorations on the cupcakes. Such a fun toy for preschoolers!
Melissa and Doug Cookie Set: This can be used al year round! Kids love the slicing the cookings and baking them!
Playdough Oven: This was my kids favorite toy for years! It invites so much pretend play. You can make birthday cakes, cookies, Thanksgiving Dinner - and SO much more!
Tea Party Set: Some cups, cakes, and stuffed animals make a perfect tea party!
Top Figurine Toys for Preschoolers and Toddlers
The amount of play that comes with figurines is wild! It’s also so easy to pack a little set of Figurines around because they’re so small!

Neighborhood Little People: I LOVE the diverse characters in this set! You can use them with any play scene, for story retell, and so much more!
PlayMobil: The carry cases are perfect for on the go therapists and they come in so many different themes. The pieces are quite small, so keep that in mind!
Popular Characters: Any characters that your student is interested in can be VERY motivating in speech therapy sessions.
Top Puzzles for Speech Therapy:
Chunky puzzles can be used for so much more than completing a puzzle. Throw them in a sensory bin, feed them, knock them over with a ball popper, or hide them for a treasure hunt.

The most motivating puzzles will be those that your student is motivated by! There are so many possibilities out there.
Dinosaur Puzzle: All kids love these adorable dinosaurs.
Transportation Puzzle: Everybody loves making the vehicles move around the room before putting them in the puzzle.
Farm Puzzle: You can pair the pieces with a Toy Barn!
All Time Favorite Toy for Speech Therapy:
The Critter Clinic is a toy of its own! I love pairing my Critter Clinic with my Critter Clinic Toy Companions to transform it into a tonne of different locations! Farm, Town, School, Haunted House and More!
If you’re ready to learn how you can use these in your speech therapy room, make sure to check out the Play Based Speech Therapy Course. We will teach you how to get the most out of your toys - and SOOOO much more. 13 modules jammed full of practical and helpful information!